Entries by Samia

Advertising Charging Pile Has A Lot of Potential

The advertising charging pile is the product of the integration of outdoor advertising equipment and new energy charging pile. As a good media carrier, not only can it make up for the profit of charging pile, but also can accelerate the process of urban media utilization. In addition, outdoor advertising internal reference believes that the […]

What Are The Application Fields of Strip Screen?

With the continuous development of electronic technology, screen display technology has also developed rapidly. Displays are also increasingly appearing in people’s field of vision in various postures. Various creative displays such as transparent screens, holographic screens, and strip screens have appeared, creating colorful display systems with different shapes for the world, so that the display […]

Reliability of Outdoor LCD Signage and Thermal Design

As the size of outdoor LCD signage continues increasing, the brightness rises as well, such as 3500nits and above, plus the demand from single-sided to double-sided, such as double-sided vertical 86 inches, double-sided vertical 98 inches, etc. The biggest problem for such outdoor LCD signage is the thermal design, especially with shape requirements. However, the […]

The Development Direction of Outdoor Digital Kiosk

Outdoor digital kiosk is extending from the previous commercial usage. Through the development these years, outdoor LCD advertising displays continue to collide with other industries, generate some new products, and apply to new fields. Such as electronic bus stop signs, electronic reading columns, smart trail screens, multimedia outdoor charging piles, smart city emergency displays and […]

Digital Information Display for Smart Community Service

Smart community refers to a community with intelligent information display as the basic unit, making full use of the Internet of Things, cloud computing, mobile Internet and other new generation information technologies to provide residents with a safe, comfortable and convenient living environment, so as to form a new management model based on informatization and […]

Outdoor Advertising Billboard Helps The Construction of Smart City

With the advancement of social technology, outdoor advertising is rapidly transforming from traditional static billboards to dynamic digitalization. Outdoor advertising machine transmission information will not be affected by the weather while can bring good visual and auditory enjoyment, can be widely used in outdoor advertising playback, outdoor public information release, outdoor media communication, touch interactive […]

Multiple Installations of Outdoor Advertising Player

With the continuous acceleration of urbanization, the continuous development of the economy, the continuous improvement of living standards, the continuous development of transportation, the continuous frequency of people’s outdoor activities, and the continuous strengthening of spiritual enjoyment requirements, outdoor advertising business has sprung up. However, the outdoor environment not only has high requirements for the […]

Build New Value With New Technologies

In order to create a system-level solution, SUNTUNE launched a new DSS information release system, which integrates H5 animation, information release, interactive touch control, data display, advertising operations and other multi-functions all in one, which can help digital signage strengthen front-end interaction, and achieve more personalized and richer content display needs. Custom-tailored interactive marketing The […]

The Outdoor Advertising Totem is a beautiful scenery

With the construction of smart cities, shopping malls, squares, scenic spots, schools, parks, communities, bus stops and many other places, from a single pictorial publicity era gradually to the era of intelligent advertising, outdoor advertising equipment in major fields of advantages are increasingly prominent; the outdoor display totem has also ushered in a new boom. […]

Smart Digital Wayfinder Kiosk Outdoors on Campus

Today, SUNTUNE outdoor wayfinder kiosk is spreading rapidly in the education industry, which is a fun and effective way to broadcast campus events and information about schools. Based on the Internet, the wayfinder kiosk relies on the network and wayfinding system to work on campus, providing an intelligent and convenient environment for students. HEREBY SUNTUNE […]